Armor Games Latest Triumph.
The concept of this game revolves around you, a lone gunner Commander, who is involved in the defense of the human civilization from invading aliens using the most advanced weapon in the Omega Sector: the Experimental Omega Cannon. Will you triumph in bravery, or cower in fear?
While this concept itself sounds great, the cannon itself just doesn't feel all that powerful, unless our technology isn't as advanced as the alien's technology.
The controls are simple. Navigate the viewport using the arrow or wasd keys and shoot with the left mouse button. Pressing the space button brings up the "manage" menu, which allows you to build defenses that will aid you. Pressing P or clicking outside the boarder of the Flash Game itself brings up the Pause Menu. The 1-4 keys focuses on your warships, while ESC focuses on the main cannon.
The graphics look awesome, the animation is superb, but the sound was lacking. There was no BG music. I can see how that it can be distracting, but people like BGMs.
The only downside is that the viewport doesn't allow enough space to view your surroundings. I also find that if you click fast enough, the pause menu will be brought up. This can get really annoying when you are in the heat of the battle.
I also think medals would have worked well here, too.
Difficulty: Progressive
Replay Value: Moderate
Overall: 9.3
Concept: 9.4
Sound: 7.9
Graphics: 10.0
Controls: 9.5
Playability: 9.4
Fun Factor: 9.5
NG Rating: 9/10
Vote: 5/5