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Recent Movie Reviews

44 Movie Reviews

Very funny and true!

I do this all the time against many NPCs and creatures. It's fascinating how stupid the AI can be and how you can easily exploit it. The animation, sound, voices, and comedy were done very well.

With that being said, I feel that this flash was way too short, which bumps the score down slightly. This submission, however, is still a good flash animation none-the-less. I'd say it's worth the front page and Daily 4th Place honors.

The Dovahkiin is not only a slayer of Dragons, but a maker in mischief and mayhem as well.

Also, if you have not yet tried it, venture out and actually try to place a bucket on an NPC's head! It's hilarious and I think the bucket actually blocks the NPC's line of sight, making it easier to sneak around them! Try it on a townsfolk first. Don't worry, they don't mind. It's the literal translation of the term "bucket head".

Keep up the awesome work!


I Literaly Laughed My Ass Off...

...and know I weigh less!

It was very short but it proved it's point. This was very funny and it made my day! It kinda reminds me of...well...me.

Nice work again, man! Keep it up!


Gunstar-X responds:

Just so you know, I am NOT liable for ANY asses lost from viewing this flash...

Recent Game Reviews

24 Game Reviews

Good first attempt.

Things look grim for Jazela Galaxy when a new dictator named Safuma Poll takes over power. The galaxy's only hope lies in the hands of a plain red robot named Moovlin. Now he has to battle accross the galaxy fighting robots with literally no intelligence and being chased by a bounty hunter named Truff.

The object of each normal stage is to get the end as fast as possible, moving at the speeds comparitive to Sonic the Hedgehog. If that is not the case, then you need to kick the crap out of an enemy boss. Along the way, you have to solve some easy puzzles, traverse the winds, and defy gravity itself!

The controls are intuitive and well implemented. The arrow keys control Moovlin with running, jumping and ducking. The 'D' key executes his spinning attack, which is his only method of attack, for a while at least. You gain more power-ups as you progress through the game, making the stages varied enough not to be bored right away. However, there is one major problem. Sometimes the controls get locked up and instead of registering the correct key that is being pressed down, it will still register another key being pressed while any other keys are being pressed or not. For example, I press the 'D' Key to use Moovlin's spin attack and the key got locked up where he was constantly in that state, preventing me from jumping and ducking. This was fixable by pressing the button again, but when you're in the heat of the game, it becomes frustrating and annoying. Another thing is that at later levels, the controls don't become as responsive as they should. This only hurts game play as you can not control the game the way you want.

The Graphics are simple and plain. This works for a fast paced game as you aren't constantly looking at the graphics. Plus, if the graphics where too detailed, it would only slow down the performance. The frame rate has a great sense of speed, as well. The sounds are good, but there seems to be sound effects missing from certain cut scenes. The voice acting is top notch, seeing as you had help from great voice actors such as TomaMoto, Rina-Chan, and RLFHOG3. I don't know if you did any of the voices, but it doesn't matter. They all where great. The music is varied and, at some points, hilarious. My favorite has to be the Cheese World BGM.

The flying stages aren't as hard as many people seem to make them out to be. You just have to have patience, that's all. Though I can see their point about hittng an obstacle like electric walls and gushing lava giezers being a one hit kill type of deal annoying.

I see that the boss fight with Truff was fixed a little, but I still found myself dying mysteriously sometimes. This can be frustrating especially when it's a boss fight, and the first one at that. But the hit detection on Truff was improved!

Like I said earlier, the controls aren't perfect and can actually get in the way of gameplay. The characters are still plain and should have a little detail. Safuma Looks like a mess of a salad in a suit. The level designs are a little too simple, too. This does work with a fast-pace game, but try to add a little more height. Another thing is that at later levels, the checkpoint feature is skipped upon dying, where the game would go back to the beginning without any input form the player. I think this bug may have something to do with the controls flaw where they would lock up sometimes.

Overall, it's a great first attempt, but I think you tried to add too much right away. The game has some moments where the comedy would kick in during the cut scenes, so this did add the enjoyment of the game. The medals are very intuitive and a great addition as well.

Difficulty: Progressive
Replay Value: Moderate

Overall: 9.1

Concept: 9.4
Sound: 9.6
Graphics: 9.6
Controls: 8.2
Playability: 8.9
Fun Factor: 9.2

NG Rating: 9/10
Vote: 4/5

Armor Games Latest Triumph.

The concept of this game revolves around you, a lone gunner Commander, who is involved in the defense of the human civilization from invading aliens using the most advanced weapon in the Omega Sector: the Experimental Omega Cannon. Will you triumph in bravery, or cower in fear?

While this concept itself sounds great, the cannon itself just doesn't feel all that powerful, unless our technology isn't as advanced as the alien's technology.

The controls are simple. Navigate the viewport using the arrow or wasd keys and shoot with the left mouse button. Pressing the space button brings up the "manage" menu, which allows you to build defenses that will aid you. Pressing P or clicking outside the boarder of the Flash Game itself brings up the Pause Menu. The 1-4 keys focuses on your warships, while ESC focuses on the main cannon.

The graphics look awesome, the animation is superb, but the sound was lacking. There was no BG music. I can see how that it can be distracting, but people like BGMs.

The only downside is that the viewport doesn't allow enough space to view your surroundings. I also find that if you click fast enough, the pause menu will be brought up. This can get really annoying when you are in the heat of the battle.

I also think medals would have worked well here, too.

Difficulty: Progressive

Replay Value: Moderate

Overall: 9.3

Concept: 9.4
Sound: 7.9
Graphics: 10.0
Controls: 9.5
Playability: 9.4
Fun Factor: 9.5

NG Rating: 9/10
Vote: 5/5

lucidrine responds:

Thank you for the review ! Wow :-D. Anyway I'm also a bit curious about the pause bug, since I can't seem to confirm it on my Firefox 3.6.3 and Flash Player 10.1 . Would you be kind enough to give me your browser type, flash player version and on which level did this bug happen ? Once again thank you !

Nice entry, too hard for casual gamers.

There is not much to say here about this game, other than a lot of work needs to be done on it.

The controls were good, except they were slow and sluggish. There should have been a double jump or a crouching button. Also, dashing would have helped out here. The use of the mouse may have been implemented better here. Just maybe.

The graphics were excellent, and the animation was good, but not too impressive. However, I noticed a couple of bugs with the collision detection with the main weapon of the boss. Even if you're clear of the blast, you still get melted. The sound wasn't great though. Needs more work.

The fact that it only takes one shot to kill you and multiple shots to take out the enemy (and way to many for the boss), it left me frustrated has to how there was literally no time to attack the boss without getting zapped, while dodging the minions at the same time.

I actually lost interest in this game. I'm sorry, but it is nearly impossible to beat. I have yet to get the boss's health down to three-quarters, let alone half.

Difficulty: Hard

Replay Value: Moderately Low

Overall: 7.4

Concept: 7.2
Sound: 8.2
Graphics: 9.5
Controls: 7.0
Playability: 6.8
Fun Factor: 5.6

NG Rating: 7/10
Vote: 3/5

Recent Audio Reviews

14 Audio Reviews

Nicely done!

This is much better than the actual 8-bit theme that was the original Ghost Busters on the NES. Oh boy did that game ever suck big! Anybody else remember that game? No? You're better off just forgetting it all together, or just never playing it at all!


Welcome to Japan!

How did you get here in a car?

This is a nice beat to listen too. Not too heavy at all. At the beginning, it seemed to be of a western style, but went into an oriental theme. So the Run to Japan title fits well here.

However, I think it was alittle weak in its presentation. But the pros override the cons. Great job, and keep it up!

Simply magnificient!

What a great remix of such a classic song! Well done!

Recent Art Reviews

6 Art Reviews

This is hilarious! So when is he going to take on a freight train?

I saw the icon and knew who this is. And then I read the link address associated with the icon and said "Oh boy. Here we go."

To my somewhat surprise, it's a pretty good piece. Not in the actual artwork (surprise wise), but with the concept. It looks like a tribute, so I assume you're being sarcastic or otherwise joking? I think I may have worded that all wrong, so I hope you understand what I'm trying to say here.

Personally, I like JonTron, but I never worshiped the guy. Honestly, I like his bird more, not in the way he uses him in his episodes, but just the bird as himself (I believe it's a male bird). As stated before, he is a bit too thin. His face is also a bit off, but he is still very recognizable, so excellent job. Keep it up!

Sorry if you or anyone else misread this. I tried my best not to offend anyone, but people read things differently than others.

Did you hear?

Beta Max is making a come back!

I like this little strip you made. It's very funny and may sehd some new light on this whole mess!

email: bgsommons@yahoo.com

Age 40, Male

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Lincoln Technical Institute


Joined on 12/11/08

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